Making Solar


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Your Trusted Partner in Solar Energy

Vertex Electric Sun is a family-owned company with years of solar experience. We don’t just install solar, we also design, maintain and partner with you to make your transition to solar the most hassle-free experience.

Why Go Solar?

Are you tired of high electricity bills? In California especially electricity bills are a major expense for home and business owners. Solar energy system owners are not only experiencing lower electricity bills but also multiple levels of tax credits. Solar not only is a forward clean energy source, but it also saves you money.

How Solar Panels Work

1. Light

The sun gives off light, even on cloudy days.

2. Solar Panels

PV. Cells on the panels turn the light into DC electricity.

3. Inverter

The current flows into an inverter, which converts it to AC electricity ready to use.

4. Electricity

The current is fed through a meter and then into your home’s consumer unit.

5. Powering the Home

Plugin and switch on. Your system will automatically use the free electricity you have generated, then switch back to the grid as needed.

6. The National Grid

Any electricity you don’t use. Is exported to the grid for others to use.

Get a more in depth understanding of how solar panels work by clicking the “Learn More” button below.

Take Charge of Your Energy Consumption

Some Products we Use